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5 records found where subject: Nouhaud, Dorita Piquero de. showing records 1 - 5.
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Letter February 19, 1985 letter to Dorita Piquero de Nouhaud Spanish Manuel Zapata Olivella accepts Françoise Cozannet's recommendation to have Dorita Piquero de Nouhaud translate his novel, "Changó, el gran putas" into French (published by Editions Payot). He also asks to work closely with Nouhaud to prevent the "many idiomatic problems" that characterize his work. PDF icon
Letter March 28, 1985 letter to Pidoux-Payot Spanish Zapata Olivella writes to Pidoux-Payot to confirm that Piquero de Nouhaud will translate " Changó, el gran putas" into French. He also mentions that Oveja Negra has published a second edition of the novel and that he has requested, in writing, that they revert to him all rights to translate and publish his work in other languages ("revertieran a mí todos los derechos para traducción y publicación en otras lenguas"). PDF icon
Letter June 23, 1987 letter to Nouhaud Spanish Zapata Olivella writes to Piquero de Nouhaud to inform her that "Changó, el gran putas" is a finalist for the Premio Rómulo Gallegos. He hopes that she can help convince Payot to write to the jury about their plans to translate and publish the novel in French. He also mention that Piquero de Nouhaud's proposed title, "Changó, le grand puissant" is a good fit. The novel will eventually be published as "Changó, de sacré dieu" (1991). PDF icon
Letter December 11, 1987 letter from Cohen French Olivier Cohen sends Zapata Olivella a contract from Editions Payot for the rights to publish the French translation of "Changó, el gran putas." The contract stipulates the terms of its offer, outlines royalties payments, and names Dorita Piquero de Nouhaud as the translator. PDF icon
Letter February 20, 1985 letter from Cozannet Spanish Cozannet writes to Rosa Zapata about his progress regarding the French translation of "Changó, el gran putas" and "Las claves mágicas de los negros de América." He laments that Claude Fell will not be the translator for "Changó." Instead, he writes that Dorita Piquero de Nouhaud has been selected. Cozannet also requests copies of the letters of support that Zapata Olivella has received from the French Ambassador to Colombia, the director of COLCULTURA, and the cultural attaché for Belisario Betancourt. Cozannet believes these letters will be useful to secure financing from Payot. PDF icon